Saturday, May 23, 2020
Military Involvement Of The Oklahoma City National Memorial
Lastly, although not an easily overcome controversial challenge that this community was forced to face was ultimately the trial of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Due to the psychological stress this incident rooted in a portion of the people involved, it is understandable to comprehend why the judicial process of these two individuals caused issues to some extent. Eventually with the conclusion of the legal process, the strenuous atmosphere surrounding the trial, and ultimately the completion of the Oklahoma City National Memorial to honor those lives lost that day, the last challenge this community face was overcome. With such a disaster occurring on U.S. soil, there was without question knowledge that there would be a necessity of†¦show more content†¦The Stafford act is the â€Å"backbone†to any assistance provided by the federal government in the aftermath of a disaster, specifically in this case the Military Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA). Originally amended from its predecessor, the Disaster Relief act of 1974, the Stafford act was implemented in 1988. In the case of the Oklahoma City bombing, there is an exception to the use of military resources through solely the authority provided from the Stafford Act, and that is the Immediate Response Authority based under the MSCA. This exception allows a local military commander to provide assistance through resources and personnel to civil authorities before authorization was handed down. According to the U.S. Army, â€Å"At the scene, some 100 Guardmembers immediately helped the search for survivors. They set up an emergency operations center and reported to the state s civil emergency management agency†(Smith, 2010). Hastily following these actions, assistance came from two local military bases, Fort Sill and Tinker Air Force Base, where the commanding officers authorized a variety of equipment and personnel to assist before the federal government authorized assistance. Fort Sill, an Army installation approximately an hour and a half away from Oklahoma City, â€Å"Fort Sill released two medical evacuation helicopters, explosive
Monday, May 18, 2020
Pornography, Erotica, and Nude Art †There Is a Difference...
Pornography is a subject that has always been argued and stirs up controversy almost anywhere it may arise. There are people who are against it, and would like to ban all pornography for the benefit of everyone, while there are those who defend it, claiming it is part of their â€Å"guaranteed†free speech, to express themselves in a manner of their choosing. With the issue of pornography being debated and spoken of, one major mistake people make is that they look at pornography according to their own views. Different types of people look at pornography differently, and therefore create their own definition of pornography in their minds. Usually, pornography tends to be mistaken with nude art and erotica, so some people consider erotic as†¦show more content†¦So the students were then allowed to look at the subject’s breasts and ponder the importance of nude art as they made replicas of the woman in a graceful, artistic, position. The students probably sub mitted a signed note from their parents to be involved in the sculpture session, because I do not know of any public school that would allow its students to take part in this type of class during school hours, on school grounds. The woman’s nudity is considered as â€Å"art†because she is posing for an art class, which was allowed by a public school, although I highly do not think that it would actually happen. Nude art’s purpose is to portray the human body as an art form, and not an object of sexuality or arousal. Both pornography and erotica have the main purpose to sexually stimulate people, but pornography does not show the emotional connection between the individuals involved in the sexual acts, while erotica does. Erotica is just like nude art, except that erotica possesses no artistic value, and art does contain an artistic value that is accepted by everyone. There is a form of art called erotic art that I guess is a mixture of erotica and nude art. But if guidelines were to be set by the government, art forms that could be on the borderline of erotic art could be easier to distinguish. Pornography is not classified as nude art at all, and nude art is not pornography. Pornography just has the soleShow MoreRelatedBanning Of A College Campus1845 Words  | 8 Pagesliked Gore†(Dolgow). The same cannot occur on a college campus, however the fear remains on how information of others can be used or the manipulation of first amendment can be used in a college setting. The fact re mains that there is a substantial difference between a corporation and a university. Universities are meant to be a place of learning and just like science is able to accept new theories, we should be willing to accept new ideas. Building tolerance as a community allows us to embrace unpopularRead MoreBanning Speech Codes On Campuses1811 Words  | 8 Pagesregister to vote. But not if they liked Gore†(Dolgow). The same cannot occur on a college campus, however the fear remains on information on others can be used or freedom of expression in a college setting. The fact remains that there is a substantial difference between a corporation and a university. Universities are meant to be a place of learning and just like science is able to accept new theories, we should be willing to accept new ideas. Building tolerance as a community allows us to embraces unpopularRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender Equality By Allan Kaprow And Lynda Benglis Essay2057 Words  | 9 Pagesmuch art ev en today. The works of two artists from this period Allan Kaprow and Lynda Benglis following the rise of feminism show how the movement questioned the very nature of the society they were living in. They seek to exploit the gender issues through their art and raise the points of who gender is portrayed, the differences in their roles and how they affect artists themselves. The gender politics is an interesting line of enquiry that Allan Kaprow and Lynda Benglis explore in their art practicesRead MoreWomen as Commodity8915 Words  | 36 Pagesand a way to connect with companies, for example, there remains a need to explore new methods of raising awareness about the nature and proximity of human trafficking. With greater understanding of the crime, and a clear tool or means to make a difference, consumers and businesses alike will be more likely to take steps to diminish the demand for forced labor. PROSTITUTIONS Prostitutions What is Prostitution? Prostitution is commonly defined as the custom of having sexualRead MoreWomen as Commodity8899 Words  | 36 Pagesand a way to connect with companies, for example, there remains a need to explore new methods of raising awareness about the nature and proximity of human trafficking. With greater understanding of the crime, and a clear tool or means to make a difference, consumers and businesses alike will be more likely to take steps to diminish the demand for forced labor. PROSTITUTIONS Prostitutions What is Prostitution? Prostitution is commonly definedRead MoreStrategy of Playboy8446 Words  | 34 Pagescompany involved in the publishing, entertainment, and licensing businesses. It was established in 1953, when the Playboy magazine was published for the first time. Since then it became known throughout the world for its centerfold pictures of well-built nude women. During the 1990s, however, the company engaged in diverse operations including television, and the marketing and selling of name-brand retail products (as clothing, liquor, sound systems, and condoms). Nevertheless, the company has always beenRead MoreCybersex10501 Words  | 43 Pagesthe extreme end of the continuum of sexual problems. Their sexual acting out occurs with or without access to the internet -- the online world simply adds another avenue to explore sexually inappropriate material. These cybersex users may access pornography frequently, as part of an ongoing pattern of excessive sexual behavior. Although not all cybersex users have problematic use, all take the risk that their use may become problematic. One difficulty with the online world of sex is that while users
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Giant Short-Faced Bear Bread Profile
Name: Giant Short-Faced Bear; also known as Arctodus simus Habitat: Mountains and woodlands of North America Historical Period: Pleistocene-Modern (800,000-10,000 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to 13 feet long and one ton Diet: Mostly carnivorous; possibly supplemented its diet with plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; long legs; blunt face and snout About the Giant Short-Faced Bear (Arctodus simus) Although its often described as the largest bear that ever lived, the Giant Short-Faced Bear (Arctodus simus) didnt quite measure up to either the modern Polar Bear or to its southern counterpart, Arctotherium. But its hard to imagine the average megafauna mammal (or early human) worrying whether it was about to be eaten by a 2,000- or a 3,000-pound behemoth. Simply put, the Giant Short-Faced Bear was one of the scariest predators of the Pleistocene epoch, full-grown adults rearing up to heights of 11 to 13 feet and capable of running at top speeds of 30 to 40 miles per hour. The main thing that distinguished Arctodus simus from that other famous ursine of the Pleistocene epoch, the Cave Bear, is that the Giant Short-Faced Bear was slightly bigger, and subsisted mostly on meat (the Cave Bear, despite its fierce reputation, being a strict vegetarian). Because nearly as many fossil specimens dont represent the Giant Short-Faced Bear as the Cave Bear, theres still a lot we dont understand about its everyday life. In particular, paleontologists still debate this bears hunting style and its choice of prey: with its presumed speed, the Giant Short-Faced Bear may have been capable of running down the small prehistoric horses of North America, but it doesnt seem to have been robustly built enough to tackle larger prey. One theory is that Arctodus simus was essentially a loafer, popping up suddenly after another predator had already hunted and killed its prey, driving the smaller meat-eater away, and digging in for a tasty (and unearned) meal, much like a modern African hyena. Although it ranged across the expanse of North America, Arctodus simus was particularly plentiful in the western part of the continent, from Alaska and the Yukon Territory down to the Pacific coast as far as Mexico. (A second Arctodus species, the smaller A. pristinus, was restricted to the southern part of North America, the fossil specimens of this lesser-known bear being discovered as far afield as Texas, Mexico, and Florida.)Â Contemporaneous with Arctodus simus, there was also a related genus of short-faced bear native to South America, Arctotherium, the males of which may have weighed as much as 3,000 pounds--thus earning the South American Giant-Short Faced Bear the coveted title of Biggest Bear Ever.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
George Lennies Relationship in Of Mice And Men, by John...
When the Great Depression was rampant, a lot of people would live job-to-job, just to get by. In the novel Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have an odd relationship by how its both positive and negative. George and Lennie were chased out of a town called Weed, because Lennie was feeling a girls skirt; the girl had been scared by Lennie, and tried to run away, but Lennie wouldnt let go. After being chased out of Weed, George and Lennie rode a bus south, away from Weed, but were dropped off a few miles back, George and Lennie had to walk the rest of the way, until the came to the ranch. After killing a dog and someones wife, Lennie was chased out of the ranch, and killed by George, to keep Lennie from a painful death. George and Lennies relationship is uniquely positive and negative because of Lennies mental incappability, Georges short temper, and how George kills Lennie an the end of the novel. Lennies mental incappacility brings negativity towards the relationship. I forgot, Lennie said softly. I tried not to forget. Honest to God I did, George (Steinbeck 12). Lennie is retarded, or slow of the mind; his abillity to use his brain as well as George is very limited. Always forgeting what George tells him, he is angered with Lennie as he always needs to remind him what to do. When George reminds Lennie of what to do, hes going to forget it again. Lennies has the mentality of a child. I done another bad thing (178). Lennie hasShow MoreRelatedGeorge And Lennie Relationship Analysis871 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novella Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, the relationship between Lennie Small and George Milton is complex. Lennie and George are two companions who look for work and brave the hardships of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression together. Although Lennie and George are both grown men, their relationship resembles more of a child and a single parent, or a boy and h is dog. Lennie is portrayed as animalistic and childish through his behavior and Steinbeck’s comparisons. This reveals the crucialRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck894 Words  | 4 PagesOf Mice and Men Essay John Steinbeck once said, â€Å"A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us†. In his novella, Of Mice and Men, two men go on an unexpected journey in search for their dream of happiness. There are many themes that come from their journey such as, the gilded American dream, the bond of male friendships, the power of women and femininityRead MoreCharacterization Of Lennie In Of Mice And Men746 Words  | 3 PagesIn Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men named Lennie and George work as laborers on a ranch in Salinas Valley, California. They have the American Dream of owning a piece of land one day, and work very hard to try to achieve it. Through traits and dialogue, Steinbeck successfully portrays Lennie as a sympathetic character. He shows Lennie’s reliance on George, gives Lennie childlike behavior, and reveals Lennie’s lack of intelligence. Lennie is reliant on George because George acts as theRead More Comparing Of Mice and Men and John Steinbecks Life Essay849 Words  | 4 Pages John Steinbecks agricultural upbringing in the California area vibrantly shines through in the settings and story lines of the majority of his works. Steinbecks novel, Of Mice and Men, takes place in the Salinas Valley of California. The drama is centered around two itinerant farm workers, George Milton and Lennie Small, with a dream of someday owning a place of their own. Lennie Small is a simple-minded, slow moving, shapeless hulk with pale eyes whose enormous physical strength often causesRead MoreAnalysis of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck1493 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of ‘Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck ‘Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck is a classic novel, tragedy, written in a social tone. The authorial attitude is idyllic, however, as the story develops it changes into skeptic. It is evident that Steinbeck knew the setting and places he is writing about. In my opinion Steinbeck drew the subject matter from his own experience of working on ranches, he was interested in special kinds of relationships among men working on ranches with him. ThereRead MoreEssay about Analysis of ‘Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck 1488 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of ‘Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck ‘Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck is a classic novel, tragedy, written in a social tone. The authorial attitude is idyllic, however, as the story develops it changes into skeptic. It is evident that Steinbeck knew the setting and places he is writing about. Read MoreEssay on Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men1136 Words  | 5 PagesThe Theme of Loneliness in Of Mice and Men     In the novel, Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck used George and Lennies relationship and the theme of hope to point out the loneliness in the novel. The novel starts off and is set in Soledad which means lonely. At the beginning they get a job working on a farm together. Lennie is a little retarded and has great physical strength that isnt too controllable. As they work from ranch to ranch, Lennie relies on George for guidance and help. RatherRead MoreSelf-Discovery Through Relationship in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men706 Words  | 3 PagesRelationships are the key to learning about oneself. The novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, proves that a relationship with another results in self-discovery. Throughout the story, it is shown that Lennie causes George to learn more about himself through friendship, responsibility, and his need for others. Lennie’s presence in George’s life causes George to learn about his friendship. An example of this is when George talks to a friend about his relationship with Lennie. He says that â€Å"LennieRead MoreA Character and Moral Study of George Milton: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck920 Words  | 4 Pages during the Great Depression, the idea of human companionship was drowned out by the lonely road that many men walked in search of jobs. This period showed the true impacts of the loneliness of man and also asked very important questions: are we responsible for the welfare of others? Or is it better to just be alone? In John Steinheck’s novel Of Mice and Men, one of the protagonists, George Milton, struggles with this very concept. Stuck with his disabled best friend, Lennie Small, he feels a senseRead MoreMice of Men Dreams of Commitment2273 Words  | 10 PagesOf Mice and Mein The Dream of Commitment. Louis Owens The Eden myth looms large in Of Mice and Men (1937), the playnovella set along the Salinas River a few miles south of Soledad (Of Mice and Men, p. 1). And, as in all of Steinbecks Califomia fiction, setting plays a central role in determining the major themes of this work. The fact that the setting for OfMice and Men is a Califomia valley dictates, according to the symbolism of Steinbecks landscapes, that this story will take place in a fallen
In “A Rose for Emily,†William Faulkner Free Essays
In â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†William Faulkner explores what encourages and what happens due to insanity. Emily Grierson’s life is narrated through, we can assume, a member of the community to which she belonged â€Å"belongedâ€Å" is used because she is already deceased at the beginning of the short story. Faulkner avoids telling the story chronologically and instead tells us about Emily’s past in a way similar to the way the human mind worksâ€â€a series of memories all jumbled up. We will write a custom essay sample on In â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†William Faulkner or any similar topic only for you Order Now Emily, we find out, lived a life under an overly controlling fatherâ€â€she practically had no social life to speak of. Her father was basically the only person in her life so it is not surprisingâ€â€although shockingâ€â€that she clings to him even after he dies. Upon his death, she goes out in the town and defies the set rules of society by seeing a man under her status. Fraternizing with this man, Homer Barron, may have had a positive impact on her life; however, Homer is â€Å"not a marrying man†(29), which turns out to be absolutely devastating for Emily. Emily, we can conclude from her father’s death, does not deal well with strife. The heartbreak is too much for her and causes her madness to lash out. Emily’s yearning for someone to love combined with her insanity leads her to commit deeds that a sane person would never do such as killing a man, leaving the decaying body in her house, lying next to the corpse, and perhaps even committing acts of necrophilia. Looking at Emily’s story, it is quite frightening to think of the extent of damage that madness can compel people to inflict. It is very probable that Emily did not realize how horrific her actions were. Truth to tell William Faulkner’s â€Å" A Rose for Emily†is an incredibly fascinating story about a woman who practiced necrophilia. The story is about a woman who poison’s her boyfriend and keeps his body in a bed in her upstairs room for decades. No one ever exits or enters her old house except for her negro manservant. And what is necrophilia, exactly and how do we prove by using the text of â€Å" A Rose for Emily† that indeed, Emily Grierson was a necrophiliac? Necrophilia for Mirriam-Webster would mean, â€Å"obsession with an usually erotic interest  in corpses or erotic interest in the stimulation by corpses†.  Medical dictionaries would define â€Å"necrophilism†to be , â€Å"1. A morbid fondness for being in the presence of dead bodies, and 2. The impulse to have sexual contact, or the act of such contact, with a dead body, usually of males with female corpses.†Necrophilia can best be described as sexual arousal stimulated by a dead body. The stimulation can be either in the form of fantasies or actual physical sexual contact with the corpse. Legends with necrophilic themes are common throughout history and the concept of sexual interference with the dead has been known and abhorred since the ancient Egyptians, as noted by Herodotus: â€Å"When the wife of a distinguished man dies, or any woman who happens to be beautiful or well known, her body is not given to the embalmers immediately, but only after the lapse of three or four days. This is a precautionary measure to prevent the embalmers from violating her corpse, a thing which is actually said to have happened in the case of a woman who had just died.†The symptoms of necrophilia are as follows: necrophilia are the presence, over a period of at least six months, of recurrent and intense urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving corpses which are either acted upon or have been markedly distressing. And the manifestations are said to be characterized by the following data. There is a broad spectrum of necrophilic behaviors, ranging from fantasies alone to murder for the sake  of procuring a dead body.  Faulkner’s Emily did commit murder in order to have a dead man’s body to sleep beside with, â€Å" I want arsenic,†(28) Emily tells the druggist in Faulkner’s story. That she is about to commit murder is only implied, and the truth is seen towards the end of the narrative. Experts have subcategorized the paraphilia according to where it falls on that spectrum. â€Å"Necrophilic fantasies†of corpses, never acted upon, still fall within the scope of necrophilia and some authors have categorized this as a â€Å"neurotic equivalent†to necrophilia. â€Å" Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair.†(31) In this quote, the readers can deduce that, at the very least, Emily had lain beside the dead body of Homer Barron. â€Å"Pseudonecrophilia†describes isolated incidents where the sexual contact with the corpse may happen without pre-existing fantasies or desire to have sexual contact with the body. Even in its truest form, necrophilia can be quite varied, ranging from simply being in the presence of a corpse to kissing, fondling or performing sexual intercourse or cunnilingus on the body. The presence of other paraphilias or personality disorders, however, can manifest in more grotesque or sadistic elements such as mutilation of the corpse, drinking the blood or urine, or homicide (â€Å"necrophilic homicide†or â€Å"necrosadism†). The latter is the most disturbing end of the spectrum. Although assumed rare, many have argued that necrophilia may be more prevalent than statistics imply, given that the act would be carried out in secret with a victim unable to complain and given the length of time which the paraphilia has been recognized.   But if Emily had used arsenic to poison and murder Homer, then she could not have been capable of performing an act of necrophilic homicide, for, how many times can you poison an already deceased and poisoned man? Although the act of murder itself may generate the subsequent sexual frenzy, research has determined an alarming rate of homicide in order to obtain a body for subsequent sexual violation. Rosman and Resnick int their study, â€Å"Necrophilia: An analysis of 122 cases involving necrophilic acts and fantasies†found that 42% of their study sample of necrophiles had murdered in order to obtain a body. Researchers have determined, however, that sadism itself is not usually an intrinsic characteristic of true necrophilia. (74) In all cases, there is undoubtedly sexual preference for a corpse rather than a living woman.  And this is what makes William Faulkner’s Emily, unique. In the plot is a reversal of the symptoms manifest that is â€Å"usual†in the cases of necrophilia. Emily, is a woman, who preferred the company and sexual â€Å"comfort†of a dead man. When no other act of cruelty – cutting into pieces etc., – is practiced on the corpse, it is probable that the lifeless condition itself, forms the stimulus for the perverse individual. Homer Barron, as implied in the story, was maybe going to flee Emily, hence she resorted to murder by poison, â€Å" When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, â€Å" She will marry him.† Then we said, â€Å" She will persuade him yet,†  because Homer himself had remarked- he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks Club- that he was not a marrying man. (29) Kraft-Ebing states in his, â€Å"Psychopathia sexualis† It is possible that the corpse – a human form absolutely without will – satisfies an abnormal desire, in that the object of desire is seen to be capable of absolute subjugation, without possibility of resistance (89). What happened after the incident of the poisoning can only be guessed at, but in this telling of the life of Emily Grierson there is proof, that Emily as able to â€Å"persuade†–â€Å" her†Homer Barron, only that he was not someone hard to persuade, he was already dead, after all, â€Å" The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man’s toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. Among them lay a tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust.†(30) Most individuals have been reported to be heterosexual. This was not a sick and twisted scenario meant to be feasted on by literary critics who work with queer gender theory, Emily was not gay, Homer could have been, but, â€Å" Upon a chair hung the suit, carefully folded; beneath it the two mute shoes and the discarded socks. The man himself lay in bed. (30)† –yes, Homer was a man, he was Emily’s man. As with the other paraphilias, necrophilia often occurs in conjunction with other paraphilias. Again, readers can only make intelligent inferences as to how, just exactly, did the things of Homer( made of silver ) get to become so tarnished, if by air corrosion alone? Could it be that at some point or the other, Emily infused them with fluids from her body, through acts that are too â€Å" horrifying†to speak of in this paper, but you get the picture. The individual should be assessed for associated psychopathology and treated accordingly. Treatment for necrophilia would be similar to that prescribed for most paraphilias: cognitive therapy, use of sex-drive reducing medications, assistance with improving social and sexual relations, etc. Sadly, Emily could not have been treated, she had chosen to isolation after her crime, â€Å" Now and then, we would see her at a window for a moment, as the men did that night when they sprinkled lime , but for almost six months, she did not appear on the streets. (29) For that time on her front door remained closed, save for a period of six and seven years, when she was about forty, during which she gave lessons in china painting (29). In conclusions then, there really is enough evidence in the text that Emily Grierson [ of William Faulkner ] had managed to make herself the necrophilic lover of Mr. Homer Barron. And so , the world can only offer, â€Å" a rose†for Emily, for she can no longer answer for her gruesome acts, not that she ever could. WORKS CITED: Cole, Isaac, ed. â€Å" The Life and  Works of Herodotus.†  New Land Press: London, 1990. Faulkner, William. â€Å"A Rose for Emily.†Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama Interactive Edition. Eds. Kennedy, X.J and Gioia Dana. United States: Pearson Longman. 2005. 29 – 36. Krafft-Ebing, R. von. â€Å" Psychopathia sexualis.†New York: Stein Day, 1986, (Original work published in 1886) Rosman, J. Resnick, P. â€Å"Necrophilia: An analysis of 122 cases involving necrophilic acts and fantasies†. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law,1989. How to cite In â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†William Faulkner, Essay examples
Strategic Management and Leadership for Business - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theStrategic Management and Leadership for Business. Answer: The report talks about the business level strategies of a company in order to achieve its target and get a profit in the business. The report describes the definition of business level strategy and types of this strategy. It also explains the significance of business level strategy. It explains the various business level strategies such as cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategies. The business level strategy is considered as a firm position in an organization. These strategies help to obtain and gain sustainable competitive advantages. The business level strategies describe as a detail action which provides value to the customers and it also helps to gain competitive advantages by exploiting core values and competencies. These strategies help to identify and analyze the customer needs, wants and requirements. Strategic management process is a process that describes the organizational strategies. It is a continuing process in which the firm decides to implement and execute few selected effective strategies in the organization to meet the long-term goals and objectives. Michael Porter has developed a generic strategic model to gain the competitive advantages in the market. Mainly porter focuses on the three core strategies cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategies. The business level strategies play a significant role in every business and trade. According to George Bock (2011), the business level strategy is a process of decision-making at the strategic business unit level. It identifies and evaluates that how strategic business unit guides and supports organizational goals and objectives (Boons, Montalvo, Quist Wagner, 2013). This strategy focuses on the specific market, product line and buyer which may show in different forms. The aim of this strategy is to gain the competit ive advantages in the market. This strategy monitors and focuses on the business units products and competitive position of the company within the specific industry and market segment. To diversify the business, the association creates various business units in the market. It supports and helps to establish competitive benefits among the competitors across the world and it also helps to reduce the cost of production. It develops innovation and modernization with the help of the company (Bocken, Short, Rana Evans, 2014). Business Level Strategies are the strategies that are made in an organization for better functioning. It creates a difference between the two competing companies according to the positions. To achieve greater heights what activities to perform to achieve those heights. In a business, every firm has to plan the best strategies as compared to its competitors. The business strategy is a blueprint which shows concern towards the customer by meeting their satisfaction and also thinking about its own position to achieve greater advantage then the competitors (Onetti, Zucchella, Jones McDougall-Covin, 2012). After various researches, it has been studied by the George Bock (2011) that business level strategy is important to achieve the long-term goals and objectives of the firm. The business level strategy focuses and monitors on the needs, requirements, and expectations of the customers in order to gain average returns. This strategy is related to the five forces of competition and competitors. This strategy provides value to customers and gains competitive benefits by exploiting core values and competencies in individual and specific product markets. In business level strategy, top management and managers will have to find a right balance between the quality and prices in order to gain revenue and profits. The various business level strategies have been discussed below (Zott, Amit Massa, 2011). The business level strategy based on the price and cost leadership. The cost is based on internal efficiency in order to maintain sustainability in the market. It is the strategy which monitors and evaluates the strategies executed in the association to reduce the cost of product and services in the market (Boons Ldeke-Freund, 2013). It helps to differentiate its products in the market on the basis of low prices and cost. The cost of goods is based on the internal efficiency and productivity of the company. In this strategy, the profit margin is managed by the top management of the firm. In the 1970s the cost leadership strategy was universal and common. The low-cost strategy provides various advantages to the company and people as well. Further, the porter five forces model also plays a significant role in business level strategy. It includes the rivalry, customers, suppliers, new entrants, and substitutes. Under the cost leadership strategy, standardized and good quality of produc ts is provided to the customers with the lower prices and cost. It also helps to reduce the competition in the market. Many companies apply this strategy in their management by executing the complex organizational system within the organization. It also controls on the prices of products by minimizing and reducing the various expenses and costs in the market (Wollard Shuck, 2011). Cost leadership strategy is completely based on the price which prevails in a competitive market. It relates to the competing factor. A customer tries to reduce the type of cost structure of the commodity. They do so to make the value of the price relatively less. Producers are responsible for managing the price and value of the commodity. Cost leadership is efficient internally. This helps in sustaining the margins. In cost leadership strategy, companies are known for its low prices and higher growth returns. The cost of the product depends on the producers. The cost leadership in critical terms is a concept which is used while making strategies in business. It is a way which creates competition between the companies. Cost leadership refers to the cost of operation in the industry at low cost (Drnevich Croson, 2013). It has been studied that rivalry plays a vital role in business level strategy. In this strategy, the association does not prefer the initiate prices of the products. Boons Ldeke-Freund (2013) believed that the main reason behind of the companies of achieving success is that the lower cost of operations than those who operate in the same business. It means that they offer the companys product at a low price to compete with other companies by reducing the cost. In the stock of similar products, customers choose the product which has the lowest price. Customers are always in search of goods and services at a low cost and companys competitive attitude allows them to meet those services. By gaining a large number of customers they are able to become the leaders in the industry. This becomes the path of winning for the company. Bryman Bell ( 2015) says, Cost Leadership is simple but it is not easy. With such price, a cost leader is able to meet the target than that of a competitor. Cost leaders usually win as they deal with mainly the price. This makes the company profitable. This makes it innovative and makes them survive with the competitors on a low margin. They try to reduce the cost and just not the prices. The differentiation business level strategy is also unique and excellent. It provides unique and good quality of products and services to customers in the market. There are various ways to differentiate the several products and services such as features, dealer network, design, and customer service. By using the differentiating strategy, the company can generate unique circumstances and conditions for their competitors and buyers. Further, the company is producing unique and effective products and services to attract the more customers in the market. High-quality product, high customer service, rapid innovation etc. are a few key points of differentiation. A differentiated marketing strategy is when a company creates campaigns that appeal to at least two market segments or target groups. It has been studied by Drnevich Croson (2013) that differentiation means setting the company, managing the products and also the services. This allows the company to distinguish the companys brand f rom other companys brand. The strategies of differentiation are a set of integration that is created for producing or delivering the goods and services. This becomes important for the customer to perceive the things in better way. It is important to differentiate the product. It is a key to achieve success in the market, to compete with other companies, and in building the sustenance. If the customer is not aware of the superiority of the product or of the service then it is hard to compete in the existing market. It is important to tell the customers about the products superiority. The differentness of the company should be different from other company. This will be helpful in customer benefits. This differentness separates the company from its competitors. The difference should meet the companys growth. The company must find that difference and communicate it to the customer (Carney, Gedajlovic, Heugens, Van Essen Van Oosterhout, 2011). It has been analyzed that focus low-cost strategy also plays a vital role in business. It focuses on the specific market, product, and buyers in the market. This strategy serves the competitors with maintaining a wide range of products and services in the market. As a result, it reduces the cost of products and it is better for the clients. In the opinion of Williams Naumann (2011) that such kind of strategy gives its services only to those segments of customers that are small and desires the product at a low cost. Focused Low Cost is a strategy related to price in which an organization gives services at a low price to meet the demands and to gain profit in the market share. It is a type of generic strategy that is generally adopted by the company to perform its function on a regular basis. The strategy usually works where the brand has less or no competitors. This increases the scale of the company and is also profitable as it increases the volume of production of the firm. It has been evaluated that Focused low Price is also known as Low Price Strategy. Further, focused cost leadership strategy is a competitive strategy which competes with other company due to the price. They usually have to target in the narrow market. The companies which follow this strategy does not have to charge the prices which are lowest. Rath er than this, the company charges low prices relative to other firms that compete within the target market. The strategy of Focused Differentiation helps the company to compete with other company on the basis of consumers targeted segment. The Company is capable of serving the customers base than the customers more efficiently. The company has also a risk of segments going out of interest (Bharadwaj, El Sawy, Pavlou Venkatraman, 2013). The Customers usually lack interest in the companys product manufacturing. This becomes a risk for them to maintain or achieve the target. A focused differentiation strategy means targeting a small group of customers with a different variety of products. The point of this strategy is described in other sense. It has been analyzed that itis the second strategy among the four. A focused differentiation strategy offers those types of features that are able to fulfill the requirements of the narrow market (Kastalli Van Looy, 2013). Integrated cost leadership/differentiation is a business level strategy where differentiated products are offered at a low cost in the market. The products of integrated differentiation strategy provide a unique value to the characteristic of the customer. It is useful in gaining strong customer support (Hrebiniak, 2013). Many other products are also responsible for the growth of the company which helps them in gaining the advantage while competing. This gives a better returns and a profitable business. Products available from companies that follow this strategy of integrated cost differentiation strategy are differentiated less than what products the companies offer. Such products that are offered by the differentiators are at a low price but not as low as the leaders of low- cost. The company which faces risk decides to form or to implement integrated cost differentiation (Grant, 2016). The strategy followed by such differentiation gives a number of advantages to the firm. It has t he ability to focus majorly on reducing the cost of the product, adding a variety of features to the product that differentiates it from the other products prevailing in the market for which customer usually have to pay a different amount. The Companies usually fail to pay continues attention toward the requirements which stuck them in the middle. This also avoids them to form generic strategies in the market (Campbell, Edgar Stonehouse, 2011). On the above discussion, it has been concluded that business level strategy plays a vital role in business activities and operation. There is a brief description of the strategies planned by the business. The report serves a benefit to those organizations that fail to achieve the target in the selected areas. The business level strategies are important in order to meet the long-term targets and objectives within the organization. Further, strategic management approaches and strategies are integral and significant part of the business and trade. The firm cannot run the business effectively and efficiently without strategic management approaches and strategies. References Bharadwaj, A., El Sawy, O.A., Pavlou, P.A. and Venkatraman, N.V., 2013. Digital business strategy: toward a next generation of insights. Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Boons, F. and Ldeke-Freund, F., 2013. Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda.Journal of Cleaner Production,45, pp.9-19. Boons, F., Montalvo, C., Quist, J. and Wagner, M., 2013. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Positive Psychology Interventions example Essay Example For Students
Positive Psychology Interventions example Essay In the United States 20% of the adult population report that they are living a ?ourishing life (Keyes, 2002). However, a high percentage reports feeling as if they are ‘‘stuck’’ or ‘‘want more’’ and are yet not diagnosable with a mental disorder (Fredrickson, 2008). Because happiness has been found to be the source of many desirable life outcomes e.g. career success, marriage, and health, it is of importance to understand, how languishing individuals can reach this ideal state: How can well-being be enhanced and misery reduced (Lyubomirsky, King, Diener, 2005). Over the past decade, research in the ?eld of positive psychology has emerged to provide evidence-based methods to increase an individual’s psychological well-being, through so called positive psychology interventions (PPI’s). PPI’s are treatment methods or intentional activities used to promote positive feelings or behaviour. PPI’s vary from writing gratitude letters, practicing optimistic thinking and replaying positive experiences. A meta-analysis of 51 independent PPI studies demonstrated significant results in the effectiveness of PPI’s increasing well-being (49 studies; r = .29) (Sin Lyubomirsky, 2009).Seligman (2010) found that positive interventions tend to be addictive and self-sustaining. I would like to analyze the effectiveness of PPI’s by speaking about my own experience participating in three PPI’s: â€Å"Expressing Gratitude†, â€Å"3 Good Things†and â€Å"Random Acts of Kindness†, to see if I can agree with Seligman’s argument.My journey of the process started with the PPI â€Å"Expressing Gratitude†. The task instructed to write down five things one is thankful for, each day, for a week. Wooh, Froh Gerahty (2010) defined gratitude as a habit of noticing and being aw. . (2001) showed that grateful individuals were especially appreciative of the contribution of others to their happiness. Expressing gratitude and reviewing three good things highlighted this, and reminded me to show my loved ones my gratitude. According to my personal experience, I would not agree with Seligman saying that PPI’s are addictive but they are definitely refreshing. Participating in PPI’s once in a while raises ones awareness to remember the positive aspects of life with and to treat ones subjective-well-being. However, I do agree with his argument of the self-sustaining effect of PPI’s. Due to participating in PPI’s, I try to be consciously aware of being grateful and kind to others as it increases my well-being. However, but it has to be practiced consistently due to negatives and stresses of our everyday life in our society that are always persistent.
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