Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Psychosocial Development - 1888 Words
Stage one is called trust versus mistrust and ranges in ages from 0 to 2. Erikson believed that this stage is centered around the following question; â€Å" is the world safe and predictable or dangerous and chaotic?†. Erikson believed that during the first couple years of an infants life it is important for the infant to learn that caregivers can be trusted to provide what the infant needs. This helps the child to develop a sense that the world is trustworthy. If there was a scenario where the child was not properly taken care of in the first couple years then the child may develop a form of mistrust and the world may seem unpredictable and the people who are supposed to love and care for the child may be undependable. When this stage is†¦show more content†¦During the third stage it is important for the children to make judgement and start planning their actions. Children will also start to asert more power to the world around them. During this stage the caregiver should encourage the child to explore and begin making important decisions. The children that are successful at this stage, merge with a sense of initiative. But the children that are not successful may merge with a sense of guilt. A positive example would be my husband. He has a lot of initiative and his mother told me when he was four he wanted to do and try everything himself. A negative example would be my brother. He refused to try at anything. He always says its too hard for him and that he needs help. He never wants to play with anyone or if he does he has to be the one to pick the game. He does have a huge imagination though. Stage 4 is ranged from ages 5 to 12 and has the main question asked â€Å" How can I be good?†. Erickson considers this stage industry vs. inferiority. During this stage children focus on developing a sense of competence (the ability to do something successfully). As children mature they are able to tackle more complex tasks. They also become i nterested in becoming masterful and accomplished. They show interest in learning new things. You should praise children for their accomplishments. Because of praising children willShow MoreRelatedWhat is Psychosocial Development?948 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is psychosocial development? Psychosocial development is development on a social realm. Psychosocial development is how one develops their mind, maturity level, and emotions over the course of one’s life. The rate of development depends on different factors such as biological processes as well as environmental factors. A man named Erik Erikson who was a psychoanalyst who believed that early childhood successes and failures were responsible for influencing later developmental stages developedRead MorePsychosocial Theory of Development922 Words  | 4 Pages We all go through stages of development in which we change and mature into adults. 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ObviouslyRead MoreErikson s Psychosocial Theory And Psychosocial Development1561 Words  | 7 Pagesimportant to further understand human behavior. However, this paper will focus on only two theories which are; Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Alfred Adler’s Adlerian theory. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development has always been a great contribution to the field of psychology by Erik Erikson (Berk, 2007). Erikson suggested that everyone experiences a series of psychosocial stages instead of psychosexual stages as proposed by Sigmund Freud. Despite the fact that Erikson disagreed with SigmundRead MoreErik Erikson : Psychosocial Development1103 Words  | 5 PagesErik Erikson: Psychosocial Stages of Development â€Å"Erik Erikson was best-known for his famous theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis. 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A deeper understanding of this enables me the ability to identify key developmental milestones and improve my lesson plansRead MoreThe Psychosocial Theory Of Human Development832 Words  | 4 PagesA third development theory that I will discuss is called the â€Å"Psychosocial Theory.†The psychosocial developmental theory emerged from the work of psychologist Erik Erikson. Erikson argued that human development was influenced by social experiences that take place through eight stages. In fact, Erikson’s theory was influenced by his experience in analyzing and studying of various types of people from various ba ckgrounds and culture. Thus, Erikson believed that human life evolved through experiencingRead MoreBruno Bettelheim and Psychosocial Development1807 Words  | 8 PagesBruno Bettelheim and Psychosocial Development The psychological aspect of the human mind is one of the most mysterious and unpredictable entities known to man. Bruno Bettelheim is an Austrian-born American child psychologist and writer that gained international recognition for his blatant views on the psychological development of children. Bettelheim firmly believed that fairy tales contributed to the molding of a childs unconscious and conscious mind, and the childs entire psych as a whole.Read MoreThe Development Theory : Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development982 Words  | 4 Pagesshown in Appendix B. Theories The development theory chosen was Erik Erikson psychosocial development. The focus was on two of the eight stages, which includes adolescents (12 to 18 years) - identity vs. identity diffusion, and young adults (18 to 35 years) - intimacy vs. isolation. According to Papalia, Feldman, Martorell (2012), Erik Erikson stated that during the identity vs. identity diffusion stage, the adolescent must determine own sense of self. Development at this point in life depends onRead MoreEarly Childhood Psychosocial Development Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pages The development starts from infant until old age. Childhood is a time of tremendous change, but people also continue to grow slowly and develop during adulthood. It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence. These developmental changes may be influenced by genetic factor, environment factor and maturation factor. There are three types of human development changes: physical development, cognitive development and psychosocial development. Our group member’s choice is psychosocial development
Monday, December 16, 2019
Boston Beer Analysis Free Essays
string(282) " His actions and goals are seen laid out in all of the company’s press releases and the company is continuing to be grown and maintained the same as it always has been with the exception of Boston Beer Company running its own breweries instead of subcontracting out their orders\." Matthew Schreck Management 511: Financial Decision Making Boston Beer Company April 18, 2013 Amelia Drobile Boston Beer Company History and Financial Position Boston Beer Company (SAM) is a brewery in Massachusetts most commonly known for its Samuel Adams line of â€Å"craft†beers. The Samuel Adams line of beer was introduced in 1985. Since then the company has grown to do over 580 million dollars in revenue each year. We will write a custom essay sample on Boston Beer Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now 580 million is a very small piece of the food and beverage industry but the amount of shareholder wealth they are providing is impressive. Boston Beer Company has been named one of the top publically traded businesses to watch in 2013 by Forbes. Boston Beer Company is actually part of two markets. In the overall U. S. Beer market they have a mere one percent of the market. However, they own 22% of the craft beer market. In their industry, 66% of those competing in the craft brew market are brewpubs, which generally do not do mass distribution giving Boston Beer Company an edge. (Smith, 2011) Boston Beer Company has one major difference from its competitors. The company has no debt. The entire company runs on cash even though they have a 50 million dollar line of credit available to them, which they have never used. The company purchased Diageo’s Pennsylvania Brewery in June of 2008 for 55 million dollars cash so that they could produce 100% of their product without having to subcontract larger orders out. Boston Beer Company is capitalized with no bonds or preferred stock, only 13. 6 million shares of common stock. (Smith, 2011) Boston Beer Company’s cost of capital is 6. 60% since their weighted cost of equity is 6. 60% and their weighted cost of debt is 0. 00%. Market Grader Inc. , 2013) Price to Revenue Ratio (Price to Sales) Boston Beer Company’s price to revenue ratio (TTM) is 3. 54 The price to revenue ratio is usually applied in place of the price to earnings ratio. This ratio is usually applied to companies within the same industry, however it excludes debt and expenses so the information the ratio provides is limited. Price to Cash Flow Ratio The current price to cash flow ratio for Boston Beer Company is 25. 76. The price to cash flow ratio is used to evaluate the price of a company’s stock as compared to the amount of cash flow it generates. The price to cash flow ratio is important for one main reason, it allows the comparison of companies from different jurisdictions because it removes depreciation (which may vary by country) and other non-cash factors. Therefore, it would allow an investor to compare Boston Beer Company’s stock to that of AB InBev along similar financial values. Price to Book Ratio (MRQ) The price to book ratio for Boston Beer Company is 8. 34. The price to book ratio measures a company’s market value in comparison to its book value. The price to book ratio indicates whether or not a company’s asset value is comparable to the market price of it’s stock. Because the price to book ratio for Boston Beer Company is well over one it may be an indicator that the stock is overvalued. An over valued stock for Boston Beer Company could imply the rapid decline in stock value in the near future, especially since the stock has climbed almost 25% in the last quarter alone. With the book value ratio as high as it is, a drop in stock price seems likely in the near future. Current Ratio (MRQ) Boston Beer Company’s current ratio is 1. 83. Current ratio is defined by a company’s current assets divided by is current liabilities. A company’s current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations. This ratio also takes into account inventory as current assets, although it may easily be converted into cash quickly. Because Boston Beer Company’s ratio is well over one, it means they have the assets and cash flows available to pay off any immediate debt should it be made due. The company’s amount of inventory provides a great deal of assets that makes the company much more liquid when this formula is used. Quick Ratio (MRQ) The quick ratio for Boston Beer Company is 1. 33. A company’s quick ratio is an indicator of a company’s short-term liquidity. This ratio is a more conservative form of the current ratio because it does not take into account inventory of the company when determining its current assets. Boston Beer Company still has a favorable ratio well above 1. 0. While their current ratio is much better with all the inventory, Boston Beer Company is still a reliable company that can pay off its short term debts if need be. Measuring Returns Primary Stakeholders Boston Beer Company has five primary stakeholders within company, Martin F. Roper (President and CEO), C. James Koch (Founder and Chairman), William F. Urich (CFO and Treasurer), John C. Geist (Vice President of Sales), and Thomas W. Lance (Vice President of Operations). Of the five of them C. James Koch holds more than 34% of the shares and is the sole holder of the class B common stock that gives him the right to appoint five of the eight members that are chosen to be on the board as seen in the following quote from the 2013 Proxy Statement. At the Annual Meeting you will be asked to elect three Class A Directors and cast an advisory vote on executive compensation. As the sole holder of Class B Common Stock, I will elect five Class B Directors and cast a vote to ratify the selection of our independent registered public accounting firm. †(Boston Beer Company, Inc. , 2013) While Koch may have stepped down from CEO in 2001 he has maintained a great interest in his company and has positioned himself to have great control over the Company with his position as Chairman of the Board. His actions and goals are seen laid out in all of the company’s press releases and the company is continuing to be grown and maintained the same as it always has been with the exception of Boston Beer Company running its own breweries instead of subcontracting out their orders. Capital Budgeting Boston Beer Company runs just like any cash business. They have no money tied up in debt and any investment they make is paid for in cash. There is an upside and downside to this method of running a company. On the upside, the company is very liquid, meaning they can pay for most investments on the spot without accruing any debt. However, no debt might deter some investors from buying into the company. Having no debt throws off a company’s ratios in comparison with other companies within the industry and can make it difficult for investors to trust in the company. A typical investment for Boston Beer Company would be opening a new brewery or purchasing an existing one to help the company keep up with the demands for their products. The acquisition of the Diageo brewery 60 miles outside of Philadelphia in 2008 was the company’s most recent investment. Since the purchase, Boston Beer Company has been pouring tens of millions of dollars into the facility that used to employ 220 people to make Smirnoff and now employs 260 people to brew Sam Adams. â€Å"Boston Beer’s Breinigsville facility employs 260, up from 220 workers when the plant was purchased from Diageo. †(Richardson, 2012) Boston Beer Company now has three breweries. They are located in Cincinnati, Ohio, Breinigsville, Pennsylvania, and Boston, Massachusetts. Boston Beer Company has been weary to invest in the western half of the U. S. because they believe the craft beer market is oversaturated and they will not have much success, however, some market specialists believe they should do a trial batch with a brewery in the western market and measure real results. The only real measure of value for Boston Beer is the volume being sold. Boston Beer used to lease brewery locations in order to brew according to their demand. Within the last five years the demands for craft beers have grown significantly especially among the younger alcohol consuming demographic that is looking for something more the generic beer taste of the three big beer companies, Anheuser Busch InBev, MillerCoors, and Pabst. Boston Beer Company no longer has the need to lease other breweries after the purchase of the Diageo brewery. Now that they have the capacity to brew their own beer and staff accordingly Boston Beer Company has not only added value to the company, but have positioned them self to expand as the demands for their products continue to increase. The only place that Boston Beer Company seems to be struggling with is the money that they are leaving sit idle. While the company is very profitable and is run as a cash business, some of their cash flows could be invested to generate a better return than they are currently getting. Strategy and Governance The Boston Beer Company is currently governed by a board consisting of eight members. The board consists of C. James Koch, David A. Burwick, Pearson C. Cummin III, Cynthia A. Fisher, Jay Margolis, Martin F. Roper, Gregg A. Tanner, and Jean-Michael Valette. The board has a committee that reviews the current members of the board at least annually and determines what characteristics and skills should be sought in new board members to be elected. Board members for the Boston Beer Company board members are asked to limit the number of boards they are on in order to keep them focused. â€Å"The Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Nominating/Governance Committee should be advised in advance of a director’s intention to accept an invitation to serve on another board†(Boston Beer Company, Inc. , 2013) Management Boston Beer Company’s executives have deep roots within the company. C. James Koch founded the company in 1984 and was Chief Executive Officer up until 2001 when he stepped down and became Chairman of the Board. Martin F. Roper the President and Chief Executive Officer replaced C. James Koch as CEO in 2001. Martin F. Roper has been with the company since 1994 when he was hired as Vice President of Operations. In 1997 he became Chief Operating Officer and in 1999 he became the President of Boston Beer Company. William F. Urich is the CFO and Treasurer since 2003. Before joining Boston Beer Company Mr. Urich served as Vice President of Finance and Business Development for United Distilleries Vinters from 1998 to 2000. From 2001 to 2003 Mr. Urich was Chief Financial Officer for Acirca, Inc. John C. Geist, the Vice President of Sales has been with the company since 1998 when he was first brought on as the National Sales Manager. He was made Vice President of Sales in February of 2007. David L. Grinell has been the Vice President of Brewing since 2008. Prior to that he started working as the Manager of Brewing Operations in 1988 before being promoted to Director of Brewing and Quality in 2001. The Vice president of Operations, Thomas W. Lance, joined the company in 2007 after leaving the Executive Vice President of Operations position at Ken’s Foods. A position which he held for five years. Ai-Li Lim is the Vice President of Human Resources. She joined the company in February of 2012 after leaving Vistaprint USA, Inc. as Senior Director of Human Resources. Robert P. Pagano, the Vice President of Brand Development joined the company in 2011. Prior to joining Boston Beer Company Mr. Pagano was the Managing Director at the brand strategy firm, Red Sky Insights, LLC, for five years. Kathleen H. Wade is the Vice President-Legal and Corporate Secretary. She joined the company in 1999 as Corporate Legal Director and Corporate Secretary. She became Secretary of the company in 2010 and was appointed to the vice president position in 2012. Average Ceo Compensation In This Industry Industry Range Salary686. 8K Bonus871. 2K Total Short Term Compensation1. 0M Total Value of Options4. 9M Key Executive Compensation Boston Beer Company, Inc. SAM Name/Title 20082009201020112012 Key Executive Compensation10,037,7063,868,6674,181,5019,897,5693,718,707 Martin F. Roper/President and Chief Executive Officer ,415,9181,049,3031,094,238933,8181,052,493 William F. Urich/Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer 834,313766,768938,3183,437,998599,363 C. James Koch/Chairman of the Board 589,496546,005836,895754,163817,949 Thomas W. Lance/Vice President, Operations 449,636858,643479,857693,401721,454 John C. Geist/Vice President, Sales 748,343647,948832,1934,078,189527,448 *A publicly-traded company is only required to disclose information concerning the amount and type of compensation paid to its CEO, CFO, and the three other most highly compensated executive officers in a given year. Information about compensation for these individuals may be unavailable in prior years if they were not in their current roles or did not qualify as among the most highly compensated officers at the time. (MorningStar, 2013) For the most part Boston Beer Company pays below the industry average with the exception of the executive bonuses that certain members of upper management received for reaching certain sales goals. Boston Beer Company is not nearly as large as the other beer conglomerates so it is expected that their executive compensation would be to scale. Corporate Social Responsibility Boston Beer Company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) is heavily mandated by the government. Because they deal in the alcoholic beverage industry there are numerous amounts of taxes and laws restricting their advertising and sales. â€Å"The alcoholic beverage industry is regulated by federal, state and local governments. These regulations govern the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages, including permitting, licensing, marketing and advertising, distributor relationships, sales, environmental, and occupational health and safety issues. To operate its breweries, the Company must obtain and maintain numerous permits, licenses and approvals from various governmental agencies, including the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, the Food and Drug Administration, state alcohol regulatory agencies and state and federal environmental agencies. †(Boston Beer Company, Inc. , 2013) Growth and Opportunity Boston Beer Company has grown significantly in the last decade. It has grown organically through increasing sales and demand from their marketing campaigns. It has also grown a great deal through acquiring two more breweries, one in Ohio and one in Pennsylvania in addition to the original Massachusetts brewery. Boston Beer Company is known primarily for its Samuel Adams line of â€Å"craft†beers however they also compete in other segments of the alcoholic beverage industry for those that don’t prefer beer. Boston Beer Company also makes Twisted Tea and Angry Orchard Cider. The concept of making several types of beverages allows Boston Beer Company to be more diversified and attract more sales by appealing to a larger demographic by providing a wider selection of products. Boston Beer Company has what most market analysts would call a â€Å"niche market†, meaning they will never produce a large scale generic beer like the big three beer companies (Anheuser Busch InBev, Miller, and Coors). So the need to diversify is not a necessity for survival or growth for the Boston Beer Company. Of the three major lines of alcoholic beverages the company produces, there are 56 varieties of them combined. Boston Beer Company essentially has it’s own market because 66% of their competitors are brewpubs that do not mass distribute. The only thing limiting Boston Beer Company other than its sales are it’s distribution network. Since the firm operates entirely on cash the value of the company has skyrocketed. Boston Beer Company has plenty of capital to reinvest in itself and increase shareholder wealth all while maintaining a balance sheet with minimal debt. Boston Beer has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade, which is reflected by their total sales, volume of product produced (measured in barrels), and price per share, which is currently leveling out around $166. 00 per share. While companies like Anheuser Busch InBev have a much larger market cap (157. 93B) compared to Boston Beer Company (2. 1B), Anheuser Busch InBev’s price per share is only $98. 78. The overall value to the shareholders for Boston Beer Company is much greater because of the way the business operates and finances its investments. The company finances everything without debt controlling the company’s resources carefully and allowing rapid growth. Boston Beer Company will be one of the premiere firms to watch ove r the next decade to see how they will combat the much larger competitors within the industry as they try to compete in the craft beer market. References Smith, B. (2011, August 30). Buffett-Munger Screener Highlight – Boston Beer Company (Sam). Retrieved from Guru Focus website: http://www. gurufocus. com/news/144123/buffettmunger-screener-highlight–boston-beer-company-sam Market Grader Inc. (2013, March 30). Boston Beer Co. , Inc.. Retrieved from Market Grader Inc website: http://www. marketgrader. com/MG. Services/servlet/pdf. PDFServer? ticker=SAM Boston Beer Company, Inc. (2013). Proxy Statement 2013. Retrieved from Boston Beer Company website: http://www. bostonbeer. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=69432p=irol-overview Richardson, T. (2012, January 27). Boston Beer pouring millions into Lehigh Valley. Retrieved from The Morning Call Website: http://articles. mcall. om/2012-01-27/business/mc-allentown-boston-beer-20120127_1_craft-beers-samuel-adams-beer-yuengling Boston Beer Company, Inc. (2013) Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retrieved from Boston Beer Company website: http://www. bostonbeer. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=69432p=irol-governance MorningStar. (2013, April 18). Boston Beer Company, Inc. Class A (SAM). Retrieved fro m MorningStar website: http://insiders. morningstar. com/trading/executive-compensation. action? t=SAM Boston Beer Company, Inc. (2012) 10-K Annual Report 2012. Retrieved from Boston Beer Company website: http://www. bostonbeer. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=69432p=irol-overview How to cite Boston Beer Analysis, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Wireless Network Security and Preventive Methods
Question: Describe about the wireless network security and prevention methods. Answer: Introduction Background Wireless networks are one of the major issues in computing and information technology that are prone to many security threats and attacks. This area of wireless networks involves information transfer hence needs security to ensure that an organizations information is not breached. Wireless networks can be secured through many different means as discussed in this essay. Scope of engagement This essay looks into the threats that wireless networks are likely to face. On top of that, the essay also discusses the different ways that can be applied to deal with the threats and also more on preventive measures, which are meant to make sure that security attack issues do not occur. Tools used In doing a research on wireless network security and preventive methods, the scope of a local area network was applied. The different tools used are the ones used locally in the network. This tools include personal computers, switches, and the network itself. Other tools for communication within the local area network were also considered. Summary of findings Impact in life Anantvalee Wu (2007) explain what it takes to go remote for the most part, which makes use of an access point for a web like a DSL modem or a link to a remote switch. This action transmits a sign through the air up to a maximum of one hundred feet. Any device that is within the hundred feet coverage can get the sign from the air and access the web. If no precautionary measures are taken, any person close can make use of the system. The implication is that nearby programmers or other persons could piggyback the system or access information in the device. When approved individual makes use of the system to carry out an unauthorized activity or send malicious software, the action could be followed back to the record. Use Encryption on the Wireless Network When you go remote, you ought to scramble the data you send to the remote system, so that close-by aggressors cannot listen stealthily on these interchanges. Encryption scrambles the data sent into a code for it not to be open to others. Making use of encryption is the best approach to secure the system from intruders. Two primary types of encryption are used for this reason: Wi-Fi Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). The personal computer, switch and other gadgets used must make use of the same encryption. WPA2 is the most grounded and its use is applied on the rare chance that a decision is made. This encryption algorithm protects the network against general programmers. WEP encryption algorithm is also utilized by some more seasoned switches, in which there is no shielding against some particular programs for hacking. Another switch with WPA2 capacity can be purchased (Shin, Ma, Mishra Arbaugh, 2006). Access should be allowed to specific gadgets to gain access to the remote system. Every device that speaks with a system is an example of a Media Access Control (MAC) address. In most cases, remote switches have a system that allows specific gadgets with particular MAC locations to get access to the system. Many programmers have made use of the MAC addresses, so its dependence alone is not good. Secure the Router It is additionally vital to shield the system from assaults over the web by keeping the switch secure. The switch coordinates activity between the nearby system and the web. Along these lines, it is the first line of safeguard for guarding against such assaults. If you do not find a way to secure the switch, outsiders could access delicate individual or money related data on the gadget. Outsiders additionally could seize control of the switch, to direct the network to deceitful sites. A change of the switch name from the default one is required. The identifier of the switch, commonly referred to as the administration set identifier (SSID) is a standard that means a default ID that is allocated by the producer. The name should be changed to another one that no other person knows. Follow the recent advancements in technology: To ensure security, the accompanying product to the switch needs periodic updating. Before placing another switch, one should visit the site of the marker to see if there are variants of the product to download. Finding out about the most recent form, enroll the switch with the maker and sign up to get upgrades. What's more, after securing the switch, keep in mind to secure the PC as well. Utilize the same fundamental PC security rehearses that for any PC are associated with the web. For instance, use assurances like antivirus, antispyware, and a firewall - and stay up with the latest. Change the name of the home remote system When the home remote system has been set up, you have to change the SSID (Service Set Identifier). This is the name of the home system, the name other cell phones will see when attempting to associate with the Internet by utilizing the remote system from the home. The reason that a change of its name is needed is entirely simple to figure. Altering the name expands the trouble for a programmer to access the system. For the most part, switch makers allot the name of the organization that delivered the switch and it could be something like "Linksys", "Cisco" or "Belkin" (Anantvalee Wu, 2007). If the SSID is not adjusted, a programmer has a superior shot of breaking into a system, just by knowing the producer of the switch. Utilize this manual for roll out the vital improvements. Also, one additionally thing identified with this progression: Do not use the name or the family name so as to abstain from being recognized as the proprietor of the system. This is another point of interest that could give favorable position for a potential programmer or for an online criminal that may endeavor a data fraud operation. Pick a reliable and exceptional secret word for the remote system The remote switch comes pre-set with a default secret key. The issue is that this secret default word is anything but difficult to figure by programmers, particularly is they know the producer's name for the switch. At the point when setting a decent secret key for the remote system, ensure it is no less than 20 characters in length and incorporates numbers, letters, and different images. This setting will keep other individuals from getting to the system. Despite the fact that as a rule, it is nothing more genuine than some neighbor "taking" from the system transmission capacity speed, you may need to manage other all the more difficult circumstances, as online crooks that can get to the system to "tune in" to the activity information and recover touchy data. Expand the security by empowering system encryption There are a couple of well-known encryption alternatives for remote systems, as WEP, WPA, and WPA2. The last type of encryption, WPA2, is favored for its enhanced security and particularly if there is a home system. The choice to encode activity is valuable if one has to make the correspondence signals unusable for any unapproved outsider programming. As of now all remote gadgets out there bolster this innovation and it is normal information to utilize WPA2, which has a more noteworthy level of security. Impair the remote system when not at home This alternative is helpful, particularly when leaving home for broadened timeframes, for an excursion or a couple of days. This security measure, other than helping you to lessen power utilization, it will clearly stop any programmers that could tune into the system's movement or might attempt to get to it for noxious purposes. The position of setting up the switch in the house It could be a smart thought to put the remote switch as close as would be prudent to the center of the home. What's more, it's not only for each spot or room in the house to have the same access to the Internet but since you would prefer not to have the remote sign extent reach a lot outside the home, where it can be effectively gotten by programmers. Thus, don't put it excessively near a window, from where the sign can be effortlessly gotten to from outside, even at some separation, and may likewise take after our fourth govern to debilitate the switch when leaving the home. Pick a solid secret key for the system executive To set up the remote switch, generally get to an online stage or page, where adjustments are made to the system settings. As everyone knows, it is something ordinary to discover a switch with default certifications, for example, "Administrator" and "secret key" (Anantvalee Wu, 2007). Furthermore, these default login qualifications are not all that hard to break by a programmer. Most changes we do on an online stage are things like setting a solid secret key for the remote system or changing the system's name, both changes being made to guarantee a more prominent level of assurance from online offenders' noxious activities. Be that as it may if an IT criminal can get to the director stage and access the system's setup and design settings, this will demolish the day without a doubt. Stay up with the latest Consider the switch's product like whatever another programming you have on the working framework. It might be the antivirus program or whatever other application running on the framework (Xiao, Lin Du, 2007). The switch's firmware, similar to some other programming, contains defects which can get to be significant vulnerabilities unless they are immediately settled by firmware discharges from the producer. The issue is that most switches don't have the choice to introduce the most recent security upgrades and every once in a while one has to check the official site for security fixes. We should not overlook that a portion of the most noticeably bad security ruptures originated from security gaps in unpatched programs and working frameworks. Ensure the Network amid Mobile Access Applications now permit you to get to the home system from a cell phone. Before that, it is imperative to make certain that some security elements are set up. Try not to give outsiders a chance to utilize the system Secret key ensures the remote association. Turn on WEP (wired equivalency security) or WPA (Wi-Fi ensured access) on the majority of the gadgets, including the switch, the media focus, and the Microsoft Xbox stimulation framework. For more data, see Set up a security key for a remote system. Move the remote switch Place the remote access point far from windows and close to the focal point of the home to diminish the sign quality outside of the planned scope region. Conclusion In conclusion, it is imperative to comprehend that keeping all products current is important and counting the web program, with programmed upgrading. This measure is undertaken to ensure that the firewall is turned on and use antivirus and antispyware programming from a source that you trust, for example, Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender (incorporated with Windows 8). Ordinarily, one can get to the switch's interface from a gadget associated with the system, yet a few switches permit to get to even from remote frameworks. To stop online programmers access to the switch's private settings, it is protected to handicap this choice in the switch's settings. References Anantvalee, T., Wu, J. (2007). A survey on intrusion detection in mobile ad hoc networks. InWireless Network Security(pp. 159-180). Springer US. Shin, M., Ma, J., Mishra, A., Arbaugh, W. A. (2006). Wireless network security and interworking.Proceedings of the IEEE,94(2), 455-466. Xiao, Y., Lin, Y. B., Du, D. Z. (2007). Wireless network security.EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,2006(1), 1-2.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephants Essays -
The Symbolism in Hills Like White Elephants Ernest Hemingway is an incredible writer, known for what he leaves out of stories not for what he tells. His main emphasis in Hills Like White Elephants seems to be symbolism. Symbolism is the art or practice of using symbols, especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations (WWWebster Dictionary). He uses this technique to emphasize the importance of ideas, once again suggesting that he leaves out the important details of the story by symbolizing their meaning. This short story is filled with symbolism, some of which the reader may never find. The title itself can be analyzed a lot deeper. The "hills" refers to the shape of the female body during pregnancy and the "white elephants" symbolize a property requiring much care and expense and yielding little profit (WWWebster Dictionary). The story is about a man and a woman taking a train to get an abortion. The train is supposed to show change and movement, something this couple appears to need because their life is very routine. The reader is told that there is a curtain made of strings of bamboo beads, hung across the open door into the bar, to keep out flies. The bamboo beads not only keep them from their problems (known as flies) but it also keeps their lives separate from all of the other people at the bar. Hemingway then tells the reader that the train will stop at this junction for two minutes and then go to Madrid. The train only stopping for two minutes is to show the importance of the girl's decision to have the abortion. It is a big decision and there is not that much time for her to sit around and think about it. The guy and the girl are now sitting at a bar deciding what they should drink. The girl takes off her hat and puts it on the table. This action symbolizes her putting her feelings on the table to talk about them with the man. Instead of coming straight out and talking about the problems the couple decides to drink beer. The act of consuming alcohol is another way for them to run away from their problems. Later on, the man and the woman are talking and the woman says, "They look like white elephants." He replies to her comment by saying, "I've never seen one." Knowing what we know about white elephants (their meaning of valuable things that are hard to maintain) this shows that the man has never had to deal with a situation like this. Her retort is "No, you wouldn't have." This reveals that she thinks he's a coward who has never faced a problem like this before. The couple continues to drink throughout the story. At one point the girl shows that she has some faith in what the man thinks by asking him what way they should drink their drinks, with or without water. The couple then orders two Anis del Toro. This is a new drink to the woman, so like any curious drinker she wonders what it will taste like. She hopes that the drink will taste different than others she has tried but finds that it tastes like licorice. The girl then says, "Everything tastes like licorice. Especially all the things you've waited so long for, like absinthe." When she says this it refers to how she thought that this relationship would be different than others, but once she got into it she realized that he is just like all the other guys she has dated in the past. Later in the story she adds to this feeling of repetition by saying, "That's all we do, isn't it- look at things and try new drinks." She really seems to be bored with the same things this relationship continu es to produce. Alcohol continues to be a factor in this story. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Hemingway seemed to deal with a lot of his problems by drinking. The couple orders more drinks and continues to try and discuss the issue of the abortion. "It is really an awfully
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